WARNING - This site is for adults only!
Sometimes a look at the tags that I have for the models on this site and they just don't seem to fit.. especially with a girl like this... I mean, I think I need a couple tags like Butt Type: Perfect... of Body Type: Perfect. I mean this girl is just about as flawless as it gets for those of you that like this style of girl. She is slender, beautiful, and just has some of the best curves that I have seen in a while. I hope that you enjoy her as much as I do as we will be shooting a lot more of her. Sometimes it is nice having all these great girls make a tourist stop in Miami : )
I Love you Kristina x
Absolutely Beautiful x
More pictures please!
obviously a euro photographer as well
Please more!! Perfect body, love to see more of that pussy too!
More shoots with this girl are definitely in order. Nice!
Is she real?
Lovely, sexy girl -- and FINALLY a collection of photos that haven't had all the detail AIR-BRUSHED out until the skin looks like it came off a mannequin! Good job :-)
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