WARNING - This site is for adults only!
I am looking forward to sharing our new girl Amber Smith with you. She came to us from Texas and was an absolute joy to work with. She is 22 years old and gets the most joy out of working with and riding her horses. She also loves to eat sushi, dance and hang out with her girlfriends. I had the pleasure of hanging out with a group of farm girls from Texas not long ago and I have to say that they are a blast to party with... I think that you will like this girl a lot because she is beautiful and has just the right amount of curves on her body to make you go crazy. Enjoy.
More of her for sure!
When I saw how hot she was I was ready to be disappointed that she wouldn't get naked or have a bunch of nasty tattoos. Pleasant surprise, her pictures are fantastic! 10 Stars! More pictures please!
Lovely lady, hope to see more of her soon
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